International Summer School at Montabaur Castle
“Is there a Crisis of Financial Globalization? Effects and Challenges on Financial Institutions Today and in the Future”
Financial globalization is characterized by intensive cross-border financial and payment flows, greater risk-sharing through a broader array of financial instruments, an increasing share of crossborder holdings of assets and an increasing international profile of financial markets, market players and institutions. The ongoing financial and economic crisis will without doubt affect these trends of financial globalization.
These effects and especially the challenges and possible solutions for financial institutions are the focus of the International Summer School 2009 at Montabaur Castle. The Summer School will take place from July 11 to July 19, 2009 and is organized by the Institute of International Business Studies / Steinbeis University Berlin in cooperation with the Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG). Further academic partners are the Riga Graduate School of Law, and CBL International.
The event aims at all people with an academic and practical interest in the international effects of the crisis on financial institutions, particularly addressing professionals from the area of Banking and Finance as well as students of various disciplines such as economics, business administration and social studies. The Summer School will exclusively be conducted in English.
The Summer School will provide participants with a thorough and profound overview of technical expertise and practical experience in various topics around the following four subsections:
Focus Areas
The main topics of the International Summer School 2009 will be:
- Benefits and Limitations of Modern Financial Risk Management:
Modernization of Risk Management in Banking Institutions, Portfolio Optimization:
Principles and Optimization of Real Estate Funds and Venture Capital Funds; Data Quality
and its Impact on Quantitative Risk Models - Emerging Markets in the Crisis:
Private Equity in Emerging Markets; Risks and opportunities for Investments in Emerging
Markets - Corporate Governance and Fraud:
The Corporate Governance Puzzle; the Case of China and Russia; Detection of Fraud, VAT
Fraud - Challenges for Institutional Investors in the Crisis:
The Asset Class Real Estate in the Crisis; Stock Funds in the Crisis, Real Estate
Development Projects in the Crisis
Moreover, participants will also be encouraged to get actively involved and engage in various panel
Further Information and Contact
The International Summer School 2009 is organized by the Institute of International Business Studies / Steinbeis University Berlin in cooperation with the Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG).
A joint SHB-ADG certificate of participation will be awarded at the end of the summer school.
If you are interested in the Summer School 2009 please contact:
Steinbeis University Berlin
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Linowski
Director Institute of International Business Studies
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 4986665
Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG)
Mr. Martin Strobel
Tel.: +49 (0) 2602 – 14 147
or send the enclosed registration form to:
Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG)
Mrs. Michelle Schneider
Tel.: +49 (0) 2602 – 14 174
Fax: +49 (0) 2602 – 14 95 174
- Preliminary Program Summer School 2009
- Registration Form Summer School 2009
- Summer School 2009
- Unterkunftsliste Montabaur 0708
08 июня 2009