
Vacancies from the company DTL: Interns in Qualitative Research; C++ Developer Intern

Vacancies from the company DTL: Interns in Qualitative Research; C++ Developer Intern

Dynamic Technology Lab Recruitment

 Company Description

Dynamic Technology Lab Pte Ltd (“DTL”) is a quantitative hedge fund established in Singapore and engages in global securities trading with multiple asset classes. As a tech-focused Licensed Fund Management Company under the Monetary Authority of Singapore, DTL is dedicated to producing strong consistent returns for its investors by relying on mathematical and statistical models to drive its investment process.

How to apply

Please submit your application at www.dytechlab.com/careers/apply and choose the relevant opening.


Fundamental Quantitative Researcher (Internship)

The fundamental quantitative researchers develop trading ideas using fundamental and quantitative analysis. A mixed background of finance, programming and statistics is preferred for this position.








The following are bonuses



  1. Work Location



Quantitative Researcher (Internship)

The quantitative researchers design and backtest trading models, which form the most important elements in the final trading strategies. They work in groups or independently, depending on the projects and/ or the researchers’ preference. Creativity and innovation are what we are looking for in this position.









The following are bonuses


 Work Location



C++ Developers

The C++ developers maintain our trading/research capabilities in global markets and innovate how we do them.








The following are bonuses



Work Location


04 марта 2022