
Научный семинар ЭФ МГУ: Андрей Симонов (Columbia GSB), Demand for (Un)Biased News: Government Control in Online News Markets

Научный семинар ЭФ МГУ: Андрей Симонов (Columbia GSB), Demand for (Un)Biased News: Government Control in Online News Markets

Встреча общефакультетского научного семинара состоится во вторник, 21 ноября.

Андрей Симонов (Columbia GSB), Demand for (Un)Biased News: Government Control in Online News Markets

Consumers in many countries get news from government-controlled sources even when independent sources are available. Do consumers like pro-government bias in the news, quality of the government-controlled outlets, or both? We characterize government control in the Russian online news market use publication records, and combine it with the click-level browsing data to estimate the demand for news. Government-controlled outlets would have 20.3% higher market share if they reported sensitive news like the independent outlets and 44.6% lower market share if they had the quality of the independent outlets. The higher quality of the government-controlled outlets substantially increase their media power.

Время: 19:00

Аудитория: 413

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21 нояб. 2017