Вышел третий номер журнала BRICS Journal of Economics - №3 (2020).
Вышел в свет третий номер журнала BRICS Journal of Economics - №3 (2020).
Содержание номера:
Yurii Simachev, Anna Fedyunina, Mikhail Kuzyk
Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the BRICS countries: What are the challenges for industrial policy?
Andrey Shastitko, Kirill Dozmarov
Law and economics vs. formal legal approach in criminal prosecution of the cartel
Oleg Buklemishev
Inflation targeting: From “constrained discretion” to singularity
Yogender Chauhan, Zhanna Mingaleva, Irina Mirskikh
State regulatory measures of the government of India in the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak
Michail Kosov
Harmonization of tax and financial systems within BRICS
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30 октября 2020