Вышел второй номер журнала BRICS Journal of Economics - №2 (2020).
Вышел в свет второй номер журнала BRICS Journal of Economics - №2 (2020).
Содержание номера:
Sergey Bobylev, Leonid Grigoryev
In search of the contours of the post-COVID Sustainable Development Goals: The case of BRICS
Viktor Tatuzov
Contemporary global economic crisis: Some conclusions for Russia and BRICS (taking into account Kondratieff long waves)
Jacques Richard
Towards a new ecological and human type of national accounting for developing economies (the CARE/TDL model) (the ending)
Sergey Nikonorov, Konstantin Papenov, Denis Sergeyev
Chinese experience in implementing renewable energy sources as a possible scenario for the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Olga Chudinovskikh, Oxana Kharaeva
Migration policy towards skilled labor in the Russian Federation
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31 августа 2020