
Исследовательская презентация Александра Красникова (Loyola University Chicago) на тему The Internationalization of Emerging Market Brands: The Role of the Domestic Institutional Environment

Исследовательская презентация Александра Красникова (Loyola University Chicago) на тему The Internationalization of Emerging Market Brands: The Role of the Domestic Institutional Environment

11 октября 2018 года в рамках конференции консорциума журналов ЭФ МГУ состоится исследовательская презентация для аспирантов, студентов и сотрудников американского исследователя Александра Красникова (Assistant Professor at Loyola University Chicago, PhD, Marketing) на тему The Internationalization of Emerging Market Brands: The Role of the Domestic Institutional Environment.

Статью на эту тему Александр готовит в Journal of Marketing

Выступление спикера начнется в 16:00 в аудитории 445 в рамках тематической секции "Цифровая экономика" (руководитель секции — Шерешева Марина Юрьевна, д.э.н., профессор, зав. лабораторией институционального анализа ЭФ МГУ).

Аннотация исследования:

The Internationalization of Emerging Market Brands: The Role of Firms’ Marketing Capabilities and Domestic Institutional Environments


The rise of emerging market (EM) brands in the global marketplace has been attributed to their ability to deploy superior marketing capabilities developed based on experiences operating in their domestic markets. As the weak EM regulatory environments evolve in conjunction with the growth of emerging economies, EM firms may gain confidence to invest in and expand brands abroad. However, the pace of change in regulatory systems can lead to ambiguity may therefore hinder decisions to begin exporting. This study explores whether and how EM firms can capitalize on home regulatory institutional conditions and changes as they occur when directing capabilities toward brand expansion abroad. The authors investigate these relationships via a unique database of more than 4,000 companies in twelve EMs that captures EM home institutional conditions, firms’ marketing capabilities prior to brand export decisions and associated target export markets, and export decision timing. Findings show that the positive marketing capabilities – brand export decision relationship is stronger under strong regulatory environments and weaker during periods of rapid regulatory change. Furthermore, rapid domestic regulatory change and strong property rights protection attenuate a significant impact of EM firms’ marketing capabilities on export shipment growth to brands’ destination markets.


11 окт 2018