
Cambridge Day at MSU

Cambridge Day at MSU

Cambridge Day at MSU

Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge University Press) и Экономический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова приглашают преподавателей английского языка принять участие в Cambridge Day на Экономическом факультете МГУ.

Мероприятие состоится 17 февраля 2021 года, формат проведения – онлайн.
Участие в мероприятии бесплатно по предварительной регистрации https://forms.gle/AsHq6Ss9fHJjR6rJA
Ссылка на подключение к вебинару будет разослана зарегистрированным слушателям дополнительно.
Заявку необходимо подать до 15 февраля 2021 года. Все зарегистрированные слушатели вебинаров получат электронный сертификат.

Программа мероприятия:

Подробнее о спикерах и темах выступления

imageNeil Holloway is an English Language Teaching professional with 25 years’ experience in the business. He started teaching English in 1995 and taught for 13 years in Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, the UK and South Korea. In 2008 Neil joined Cambridge University Press to work on Business English courses. In 2012 he joined the Cambridge Exams Publishing team where he has specialised mainly on IELTS courses and books. He has worked on elements of Complete IELTS and was the commissioning editor and project lead on The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS and the MINDSET for IELTS series. He is currently a Publisher in the Cambridge Exams Publishing team. Neil is qualified to Diploma level as an English Language Teacher and holds a Post Graduate qualification in Cultural Communication.

Talk - Bridging the Gap between IELTS and Academic Study
In this talk we will look at how the IELTS exam relates to academic study and how studying for the exam can help provide students with some of the skills that they will need in an English speaking academic environment. We will look at how, when taught correctly, the exam can provide a positive backwash and experience for students. We will also look at some of the popular misconceptions around IELTS and how by dispelling them we can make the classroom and testing experience more fulfilling for both teachers and students.

Информационное письмо

17 фев 2021