Kira S. Sitkina
Kira S. Sitkina, Senior researcher, Environmental Economics Department, Faculty of Economics, MSU, Moscow, Russia
Education: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics (2004 Bachelor of Economics; 2007 Master of Economics), PhD in Economics (2011)
Scientific interests: Ecosystem services and their evaluation; Regional development; Economics of ecological tourism
Participation in research projects:
- 2018-2020 Polar Index – Sustainable development ratings of Arctic areas.
- 2017-2019 RFBR Theoretical and methodological foundations of sustainable development of the regions of Russia (on the example of the Volga region)
- 2016-2018 RFBR Theoretical and methodological foundations of sustainable urban development
- 2013-2015 RFBR Approaches to increase the resource efficiency of the Russian economy
- 2013-2015 RFBR Indicators of environmentally sustainable development for regions of Russia
- Solovyeva S.V., Sitkina K. S. (2014) Benefits assessment of Russian national park ”Lake Pleshcheevo” // MSU faculty of Economics’ Preprints Archive, p. 1–9. // Faculty of Economics, MSU. (available in English)
- Nikonorov S. M., Papenov K.V., Krivichev A. I., Sitkina K. S.(2019) Issues of the sustainable development measurement of the Arctic Region. // Bulletin of Moscow University, Serie 6 “Economics”, 4. p. 107–121.// М.: MSU
- Kudryavtseva O.V., Bobylev S.N., Solovyeva S.V, Sitkina K.S. (2018): Indicators of ecologically sustainable development: regional dimension // Bulletin of Moscow University, Serie 6 “Economics” 2, p. 21-33 // М.: MSU.