
Russia Direct и декан ЭФ Александр Аузан о кризисе, модернизации, институциональной среде и постановке вопроса на будущее

Russia Direct и декан ЭФ Александр Аузан о кризисе, модернизации, институциональной среде и постановке вопроса на будущее

As for the positive aspects that could come out of the crisis, I expect to see changes in Russia’s outlook on the future. What the 2008-2009 crisis failed to teach us was that there is no return to the previous raw materials-based economic model (although economists and drafters of the 2020 strategy said in unison that we cannot get out of the crisis through the same door that we got into it). Nevertheless, the government attempted to establish a status quo after the crisis. We suffered a slowdown - more

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24 февр. 2015